I want to raise kids who are kind. Kind to their friends, to the underdog, and even to those who are unkind to them.
Choosing kindness almost seems counter-cultural these days, and it’s not always our first instinct. But like the ripple effect, when we practice kindness, it will lead to more kindness in ourselves and in others.
Although our kids ultimately make their own choices, we can encourage kindness. We can tell them stories about people who are kind, talk to them about why God wants us to be kind, and call out kindness when we see it. But this quality, like so many others, is often learned best by having it modeled to us.
Am I offering my kids an example of what it looks like to be kind? Even though I mess up often, I hope that overall I model this for them.
Now, we don’t need to freak out every time our kids refuse to share toys or pull someone’s hair. They’re re going to do that! While we might need to exercise new discipline strategies or have a heart-to-heart convo, this is part of growing and learning in a broken world.
We ALL fall short of God’s perfect standard, so let’s give our kids—and ourselves—some grace.
No matter how kind we are, there are still going to be critics and naysayers and people who just seem mean.
Be kind anyway.
And speak kindly to yourself. Our inner narrative shapes what we do and who we are. Kind words in lead to kind words out.
Then what about when we simply don’t feel like being kind? When I’m just not feeling it, I try remind myself of who I am. I’m made by a kind & loving God, Who created me in His kind & loving image. He created my kids the same way, and I want to do my part to help foster that in them. Even in these crazy yet wonderful “little” years.
Here are some simple activities to encourage kindness in our kids:
Read stories about others who show kindness and discuss why their actions were kind.
Talk about why God wants us to be kind and share stories about how someone was kind to you.
Do Random Acts of Kindness together as a family.
Cut out hearts and write a note to send someone sharing something that you love about them.
Make heart-shaped pizzas and talk about ways you can be kind as you eat.
Find ways to make kindness fun like handing out Kindness Tickets!