Hope in Heartache


The past few weeks have been hard. There has been brokenness and division and tears. I’ve been listening, learning, and leaning into the burdens of others. And my heart has been breaking again and again.

But you know what? Over the past few weeks, there has also been hope. Hearts are being changed and communities are coming together. People are joining in prayer, listening to one another, and seeking truth.

I’m continuing to pray for justice and for peace and for true racial reconciliation. I’m praying for our black brothers and sisters, and for restoration in our country. I pray that we raise our girls to love God and to love all of His children.

Something that I want our kids to understand is that we are all alike in that we are made in God’s image, and we are all different at the same time. Our differences are beautiful, but they can only make us stronger when we come together.


A book that has helped me teach this important lesson to our girls for the past couple of years now is God’s Very Good Idea by Trillia Newbell. It’s about “God’s delightfully different family,” and it shares the gospel message beautifully. There is even an activity book to go along with it!

As Christ followers, we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. What that looks like practically might be a little different for each person, but it can start with prayer for God to align our hearts with His.

When we ask God to work in and through us, He will. He’ll change our hearts which can change our homes which can change our world.

He’s the God of compassion, justice, peace, hope, and love.

He’s the God of all things good.

We need more of those things.

We need more of Him.