
Easter 2020 is going to look different.

We may not be able to have neighborhood egg hunts, but we can still find ways to have fun.

We probably won’t gather together in church buildings, but we can still worship.

We might not be sitting down to a big meal with family and friends, but we can still celebrate.

While working as a kids ministry curriculum developer, Easter was my favorite thing to write and teach about. Why? Because Easter is about something better than chocolate bunnies, ruffly dresses, and Easter brunch.

Easter is all about Jesus coming back to life!

Even when everything seems to be changing around us, we can have hope knowing that Jesus doesn’t change. The reason we celebrate Easter hasn’t changed either. We can remember this truth as we prepare for an Easter that looks vastly different from any other Easter we’ve ever experienced. And we can still make this Easter special for our families and for our kids!

If you’re looking for Easter activity ideas, I created something that you can use with your family right at home. I love finding new and engaging ways to help kids have fun and grow in their faith at the same time, so that’s what this resource aims to do.

These free Easter activity pages tell about Easter and the days leading up to it in a way that gets kiddos interacting as they learn. The activities are geared toward kids ages 3-7. There are five days, and here’s day one to give you an idea:


We plan to start our activity pages on Tuesday, April 7. Then we’ll do a page every day up until the day before Easter.

We’d love to have you do these activities and learn about Jesus “with” us!

You can print these out or simply pull them up on your phone/device. To get this free Easter resource, enter your name and email at the bottom of the page so we can send them your way.

I hope this can be a fun way for you and your kids to celebrate Easter together. Remember, how we celebrate Easter might look different this year, but our reason for celebrating hasn’t changed one bit.