
Do you feel like you’re running low on patience? Like all the buttons are being pushed? At the same time? Again and again? With three kids ages three and under, this is a daily reality for me. I may not always show my lack of patience outwardly, but you bet I can feel it it my spirit.

Even the most patient among us can break when every two minutes someone’s either tantruming, coloring on the walls, dipping their toes in the toilet (why?!), or asking repeatedly for a snack while you're still cleaning up lunch. Being patient doesn’t come naturally (at least not for most humans I know!), but that’s all the more reason to help our kids practice patience from a young age.

Now a confession...while I was attempting to play a game to help our girls practice patience yesterday, it became clear that I was the one whose patience was really being tested. And I was struggling. This sort of thing happens a lot though while I’m trying to teach my kids something. Maybe it’s God’s way of reminding me that I still need Him.

I’m so thankful that when my imperfections are showing a little more than usual, I can go to my perfect Heavenly Father for help. And how patient He is with us, friends! So if you feel like a hypocrite teaching your kiddos about patience, remind them that 1) you’re working on it too and 2) we can be thankful for a God who is exceedingly patient with us all day, every day.


We like keeping things fun and simple around here. So when a mason jar + pom-poms becomes a week’s worth of patience-building activities, I’m all for it and want to tell you about it too!

Here are 3 ways you can use these 2 items to help your kiddos learn about patience:


1) TOSS THE POM: Take turns tossing a pom into the jar and practice patience when it’s not your turn. (Facilitating this activity with a two year old and a three year old turns out to be a good patience challenge for mom too.) .

2) PATIENCE POMS: Put a pom in the jar each time the kiddos patiently wait for something. If we fill up the jar by the end of the week, we get to have a party! Put those juice boxes on ice!

3) POM-POM RAINBOW: Make a pom-pom rainbow while talking about the story of Noah’s Ark found in Genesis 6-9. Noah, his family, and the animals had to patiently wait a long time on the boat, but God had a plan and a promise that He sealed with a beautiful rainbow. (Turn this into craft time by adding in some paper and glue!)

Have fun!